
Liberals Should Pay

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There is an old proverb that says, “A liberal is someone who will put your money where his mouth is.”

I have a suggestion for all of the liberals who for some reason feel that we are not paying enough taxes these days--particularly those they refer to as “rich people” (you know, the friends of Ronald Reagan, etc.).

Since most of the liberals I hear saying this are a lot richer than I am (network anchor people, rich Hollywood types, major media types, various rich Democrats such as Teddy Kennedy, etc.), I think that it is high time for them to put their money where their mouths are and leave the rest of us alone. They can all sit down, figure out how much of their various millions it will take to undo all of the terrible things that Ronald Reagan did, make out a check for that amount and send it in to the government.


Since they are all among the rich people they claim are not paying enough taxes (even though for some strange reason they don’t claim to be friends of you-know-who), it will obviously give them a warm feeling knowing that they have done the right thing and have not passed the burden on to us less fortunate people they claim to be so concerned about.

What a wonderful way for liberals to show the rest of us that they really and truly do care.


Dana Point
