
No Excuse for Shooting Dog

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Many of the people sending in letters recently about the postman shooting the dog that was supposedly attacking him either have not been following the case very closely or have selective memories. The letter of John Gensley of Calabasas on May 17 comes to mind.

While I agree that the court sentence was excessive, no one has a right to simply walk up and shoot an animal. Gensley conveniently forgets that the postman never filed formal complaints against the dog’s owners. He claims that he made complaints, but none were on record. The dog was also in its own front yard, not running loose. The autopsy also showed the dog was shot from behind, hardly an attack posture. Gensley also seems to be one of those who feel people have a right to carry weapons illegally in order to indulge their vigilantist whims. And speaking of children as victims, what about the little boy whose pet was shot before his eyes?


West Hills
