
Poll on NEA Purchases of Artwork May Have Asked Wrong Question

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Regarding “Artist Sues the Rev. Wildmon Over Mailing” by Allan Parachini (May 22):

I found it encouraging that artist David Wojnarowicz has filed suit against the Rev. Donald Wildmon and his group--encouraging because he’s fighting back. He’s letting the “traditional values” people know that they can’t distort art and defame artists with impunity. No matter what the outcome is, the suit is a step in the right direction.

Wildmon claimed to be appealing to “the average American voter.” Well, that’s me, and I’m fed up with the “traditional values” people trying to make my world as narrow as theirs.

In your article, you quote an arts law expert as saying that this art censorship may be “. . . incident to a larger agenda.” That’s the most chilling aspect of this entire controversy.



Huntington Beach
