
Lighting Up U.S.-Mexico Border Area

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As residents of Southern California, we are well aware that the Immigration and Naturalization Service is not able to cope with the thousands who break the law and cross our border from Mexico.

For a lawyer, Antonio Rodriguez, and a psychologist, Gloria Romero, to feel this behavior should be acceptable, makes me question their motives and integrity.

The taxes of all of us are being stretched to the breaking point to care for those living here illegally.


Light Up the Border may be a wrong way to protest this injustice. I deplore the use of violence if they resort to that. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.

What has happened to respect for the law? If you don’t like a law, help to change it, but observe it while it is a law.

For an attorney and a teaching psychologist to suggest citizens should look the other way as more undocumented immigrants pour over our borders is morally irresponsible. It has little to with xenophobia--we do not “hate strangers or foreigners” per se.



