
Saldana Attacker Ordered to Trial on Letter Threats

The Scottish drifter who nearly killed actress Theresa Saldana in a 1982 knife attack was ordered Wednesday to stand trial on five felony counts of sending her threatening letters from prison.

“There is sufficient evidence to hold (the) defendant,” Los Angeles Municipal Court Judge Alma Soper said after dismissing three of the charges against Arthur Jackson, 54. Soper scheduled arraignment for June 19 and ordered Jackson held without bail.

Jackson, shackled and wearing blue jail overalls, said nothing during the 30-minute hearing. Saldana said in a statement released by her security chief Gavin de Becker that she was “very grateful.” The actress stayed home.


Tuesday’s hearing was the first time since sentencing in 1982 that Saldana was face-to-face with Jackson, originally charged with 16 felony counts of menacing the actress, and the man who rescued her during the attack on March 15, 1982.
