
Enough of VanderKolk?

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We are constantly (and deservedly) badgered about our apathy as voters. Along comes Madge L. Schaefer, county supervisor, who takes her constituents and reelection supporters so much for granted that she goes to the East Coast for the final week of her campaign. Being a gracious loser is noble, but her cavalier attitude before the election is a measure of her deplorable character. County government is better served to be rid of her kind.

Though I am indifferent to growth here, and I don’t live in the 2nd District, I resent the arrogant hypocrisy of the victor, Maria Vanderkolk, and the concomitant meddling of her prime benefactor, Yves Chouinard.

She moved here 21 months ago and now wants to halt the growth of which she is part. Until we have fully adopted the discredited communist line, we must and will continue to enjoy freedom of movement in these United States of America, just as she did when she moved here.



