
Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Against Flag Burning

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Congratulations to Justice William J. Brennan Jr. for having the intelligence and courage to lead a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court in its second decision striking down laws which prohibit an individual from burning the American flag (“High Court Voids Law Against Burning Flag,” Part A, June 12). Our flag is a wonderful symbol of the principles for which thousands of our citizens have given their lives. But only by allowing and tolerating the antics of the various cretins who would ever destroy such a symbol can we truly support and protect the concepts of liberty and freedom for which the flag has so long stood.

If flag burning is outlawed, we are destroying a main ideal for which our flag has become respected throughout the world. It comes down to a rather elementary balancing test. Do we preserve the flag, the piece of cloth, the symbol, or do we preserve the true principles of freedom and liberty which the flag represents? These options are mutually exclusive, and there can be only one choice.

There must be no amendment of the Bill of Rights to prohibit the flag’s destruction. I find it incredible that Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) and Rep. Robert H. Michel (R-Ill.), rather minor characters compared to the brilliant people who drafted the Bill of Rights, could take it upon themselves to attempt to sway Congress, state legislators and the American public that such an amendment is necessary. The public at least, is smarter than that, and will realize that the Bill of Rights, which was so well written, and which has stood so well for 199 years unamended, should not be modified for political gain under the guise of patriotism. True patriotism calls for us to protect the ideals of the Constitution, even if that means tolerating political expression that we find unacceptable.



Los Angeles
