
Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Against Flag Burning

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The Fifth Amendment states that U.S. citizens are guaranteed the right to liberty (freedom from external control of interference). The First Amendment states that the people have freedom of speech (including the right to assemble peaceably). American flag burning is an example of assembling peaceably and exercising the freedom from interference (such as an anti-flag burning law).

The people for the anti-U.S. flag burning law are hypocritical. The very values they say the flag upholds (freedom and liberty, etc.) are the very ones that would be taken away with such an amendment. If this would occur, then no one, for whatever reason, could burn the flag. Does that sound like true freedom for all? Is our country (and government) so sacred that people can’t engage in a peaceful symbolic act? How insecure is this country?

This is simply an emotional issue for the politicians to use to gain voter support and also to use so they can hide behind the real issues.



San Diego
