
More Than 6,000 Women Seek Dockworker Jobs

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More than 6,000 women from as far away as San Diego have returned application cards for the 350 part-time dockworker positions that will soon be made available at Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors, a shipping industry official said Friday.

“There were a lot more women than we expected, that’s for sure,” said Vince Lamaestra, labor relations administrator for the Pacific Maritime Assn., representing the ports’ shippers and terminal operators.

The 350 jobs, which pay $14 an hour, will go to women as part of a settlement of a decade-old discrimination lawsuit against the association and the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, Local 13. A drawing will be held Friday at Local 13’s offices in Wilmington to determine which women are hired.
