
Force Used on Striking Janitors

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The Times news coverage never ceases to amaze me. It is strewn with paradoxes. Romanian police are headlined “goons” and Tian An Men Square is billed a “massacre.” However, LAPD always seem to escape any of your disparaging categorizations. For the life of me, I can’t see any difference between the LAPD’s actions in Century City on June 15, and the recent actions of the Romanian “goons” and the “massacre” in China. Granted, people are dying in China and Romania but the story line remains the same, one of brutal repression.

The display by the LAPD was disgusting and yet you present your most “balanced” coverage ever. As usual you tow the hard-line. The union is right on the mark when it accuses the LAPD of being a “tool of rich business.”


Los Angeles
