
Abortion Rights Group Endorses Democrat

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The California Abortion Rights Action League has endorsed Democrat Irene Allert in her bid to win the northern San Fernando Valley Assembly seat being vacated by Marian W. La Follette (R-Northridge).

Allert will face Republican real estate broker Paula Boland, who opposes abortion rights, in the November general election.

CARAL Executive Director Robin Schneider said Wednesday that her group, which has 100,000 members, has endorsed Allert but has not yet “decided the level of support” it will provide. The group typically contributes money and volunteer campaigners to candidates it backs.


Allert said abortion, growth and education will be the major issues in the campaign for the 38th Assembly District seat, which covers the Valley from Hidden Hills to Tujunga. La Follette is retiring after 10 years in the Legislature.

Asked her reaction to the CARAL endorsement, Boland said: “So what? It doesn’t mean anything to me.”

She said such issues as crime and breaking up the Los Angeles Unified School District are more important to voters than abortion rights.


“If she wants to run on one issue, that’s her choice,” Boland said. “But there are many important issues. I’ve never been a one-issue candidate and I’m not going to be one now.”
