
National Endowment Fight: Days of Blank Checks Over

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Congressman Dana Rohrabacher does not deserve reelection to Congress. He seems to be still writing propaganda for the Reagan Administration. He blames Congress for the S&L; scandal by stating that it began the situation by raising federal deposit insurance from $10,000 to $40,000 and then $100,000. He placed no blame on the Reagan Administration which “looked the other way” while S&L; executives recklessly used depositors’ money for their own benefit. This went on for eight years and Reagan did absolutely nothing about urging Congress to re-regulate and stop the abuses.

Mr. Rohrabacher spends much of his energy on the National Endowment for the Arts and wants to stop federal funding because of a sensational art exhibit.

Mr. Rohrabacher says nothing about the “looting” of HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) by Sam Pierce and his pals.


Mr. Rohrabacher also says nothing about “Death Squad” assassinations in El Salvador and our government’s continued funding of the government of that country which has done nothing to bring to trial military leaders implicated in eight years of murdering Salvadoran citizens.

Come now, congressman, you are no longer working for Ronald Reagan. You are supposed to represent the 42nd District in Congress. Get with it.


Seal Beach
