
SHORT TAKES : Ford’s Scar Takes It on the Chin

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The intriguing scar on the chin of movie star Harrison Ford came from a mundane mishap. Years ago Ford smashed his car into a pole as he reached for the seat belt while driving to his job in a department store in Santa Ana.

“I hit the steering wheel, I think,” Ford, 48, said in an interview in the current issue of Vanity Fair.

He said he crawled from the wreckage and stood bleeding from his chin. Other motorists “would just creep around me at 5 miles an hour and keep on going.”


Someone finally stopped and took him to a hospital, where he received “not a very good job,” he said.

In a love scene with Melanie Griffith in “Working Girl,” the Ford character first says the scar came from knife fight, then says he fainted while piercing his earlobe and banged his chin on the toilet.
