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As reported, we represent Gary Coleman in connection with his action against his parents to recover certain funds received bythem while acting as Coleman’s personal managers, guardians and trustees.

Any assertion that an action was filed against Coleman’s parents with “no substantiating evidence” is absolutely false. More than sufficient evidence existed to warrant the filing of an action against Coleman’s parents and his former business manager. Unfortunately, Coleman’s damages and the full extent of the defendants’ wrongdoing could not then be determined because Coleman’s former business manager refused to turn over Coleman’s own books and records. Those books and records were finally relinquished only after Coleman’s action was filed, and only then could an audit be conducted to determine the full extent of Coleman’s injuries.

Your assertion that this firm persuaded Coleman to sue his parents against his will is equally spurious. Neither Coleman nor the members of this firm chose to believe that Coleman’s parents would be so avaricious as to take advantage of their son’s success in such a way. For that reason, no punitive or examplary damages were requested of Col;eman’s parents in his complaint. Yet, the fact remains that his parents have refused to repay a single penny of the monies that they received in excess of that previously authorized.




Beverly Hills
