
12 Cuban Refugees Leave Czech Sanctuary in Havana

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From Reuters

All 12 of the Cuban refugees sheltering in the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana since last week left the embassy voluntarily Monday night and gave themselves up to authorities, the Foreign Ministry said today.

“It has been demonstrated once again that the Cuban government will not accept pressure or blackmail of any kind wherever it comes from,” the ministry said in a statement, defending the government’s policy of refusing to negotiate the departure of the refugees.

The surrender of the 12 followed a day of drama at the embassy in which one group of refugees fought with another and also took five Czechoslovak diplomats hostage for a five-hour period to demand a plane to fly to the United States. The diplomats were later freed.


A Czechoslovak Embassy spokesman also confirmed to Reuters that the 12 Cubans had left the diplomatic mission.

Czechoslovakia had originally granted them protection as political refugees and called on Cuba to let them leave the country.

The embassy spokesman said one of the 12 was taken to the hospital because he was suffering from heart problems and the rest handed themselves over to Cuban authorities without advising Czechoslovak diplomats, who were informed by Cuban officials.


The Foreign Ministry statement said the 12, whom it described as “anti-social elements,” gave themselves up unconditionally to authorities and for this reason would not be punished.

Five other Cuban refugees continued to occupy the house of the Czechoslovak charge d’affaires in the Cuban capital, the statement said.

The embassy spokesman said he had no information about the situation of the five. The Czechoslovak Embassy has refused them protection because they forced their way into the diplomat’s home.


The dispute over the refugees has badly strained relations between Cuba and its former Communist ally, Czechoslovakia, whose new leaders have openly criticized the human rights situation on the Caribbean island.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry statement did not mention three other Cuban refugees, who are sheltering at the Spanish Embassy.
