
No Oxnard Airport Expansion

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A recent Los Angeles Times article focused on the elected government officials’ concern on the status of the Ventura County Airport located in Oxnard. Their concern was based on the City Council approving residential development within the proximity of the airport. The article stated that Oxnard Airport was larger than the Camarillo Airport.

The following are facts based on R. Dixon Speas Associates study, which was funded by the taxpayers of the county:

Oxnard Camarillo Size (acres) 216 650 Runway Length (feet) 5,590 6,000 Width (feet) 100 150 Runway Weight-Bearing Cap. (lbs) 45,000 115,000 Hangar Space (sq. feet) 56,100 138,500 Expansion Capability Limited Excellent Freeway/Thoroughfare Capability Limited Excellent Air Traffic Patterns Poor Excellent Developed Area Impacted by Noise 135 acres 12 acres


Based on the aforementioned facts presented by R. Dixon Speas Associates it is quite apparent that expansion of the Oxnard Airport is not a viable option. The Oxnard Airport is a disaster just waiting to happen!


