
Bradley Appoints 21 to City Commissions

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Mayor Tom Bradley announced a major shake-up Tuesday in the commissions that help shape Los Angeles city policy, naming 21 newcomers to head the commissions, including the spouses of two top aides.

Despite the personal relationship of two appointees to his aides, the mayor said the appointments reflected a broad cross-section of the city’s population.

One appointee is Harry Usher, the No. 2 man in the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, who was named to the Cultural Affairs panel. Usher, who also was president of the U.S. Football League, is married to Bradley’s legal counsel, Jane Ellison. Julie Depoian, who is married to Bradley aide Phil Depoian, was named to the Civil Service Commission, Bradley’s press secretary Bill Chandler said.


Also, William Robertson, executive secretary for the county Federation of Labor, was named to the Recreation and Parks Commission.
