
Renzo Piano Was Done In by Narrow-Minded Newport Set

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Re Leon Whiteson’s story on the ousting of Renzo Piano’s architectural plan for Newport Harbor Art Museum (“Why Newport Cast Off Its Architect,” July 21). Oh, how this story so often repeats itself! Money, influence, power and deceit often gang up on the “creative” individuals in our society. (Museum board member Donald) Bren’s dishonesty with an “alternative plan” without knowledge of Piano makes one feel compassion for Joan Irvine Smith (after the fact) in their dealings. Piano is lucky to escape with his fine sense of professionalism, which seems to escape the rich and powerful.

And I’m sure they don’t really understand his philosophical views in the slightest.

Newport people (a dangerous generalization to be sure) are a special, strange breed. But these affluent narrow-visioned types summed up my general impressions of how they deal with all events--business or social. Speaking of social events. . . .

One New Year’s Eve, eight of us booked the Ritz in Newport for a gala evening.

At 11:50 the Newporters blew up their balloons, put on their hats, sent their streamers sailing across the room and by the stroke of midnight they were gone .

It was “beddy” time. They did their duty by showing up for “din-din,” celebrated as expected and left we eight diners wondering why we bothered to join them. Newporter mentality--ugh.



La Habra
