
Expediting of Specific Plan Pressed

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The Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. is doing everything it can to expedite final approval of the Ventura Boulevard Specific Plan. Implementation will score a major victory for homeowners and environmentalists in the Valley. The timing of approval by the Los Angeles City Council is critical because there are several mammoth, three-story complexes planned for our area, and the developers behind them are just as eager to see the plan delayed.

However, before the City Council can act, City Atty. James K. Hahn’s office has to finish drafting the plan into legal form. Our association and other homeowners in the area have been telephoning and writing his office, urging him to expedite his work. Unfortunately, the response has not been good.

Deputies, such as Claudia Culling, have made statements to the press that the campaign is backfiring since attorneys can’t work on the plan because they are tied up answering our calls and letters. When I wrote to Culling, expressing disbelief that attorneys would be relegated to fielding calls and letters, she sent me a reply confirming her original statement. What turnip truck does she think we fell off of?


As concerned citizens, we will not be treated with such arrogance. Hahn’s office has acted with disdain and veiled contempt for our viewpoint. Personal encounters with several of our members who have asked about the plan have resulted in sarcastic answers from Hahn and his staff. James Hahn is an elected official, and he seems to have aspirations. He will soon discover that our group has a long memory.


Sherman Oaks
