
‘Economic Gap Bodes Ill for U.S.’

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Regarding the first in a series on “Poverty in America” the statement by the article’s authors that most Americans are unmoved by the poverty within their country and that “Americans as a society apparently have chosen to tolerate this level of poverty” is an astounding misinterpretation of the facts. A more accurate assessment of the situation would be that most Americans, themselves living so close to the edge, are gravely concerned about the plight of those less fortunate among us, but are at a loss as to how to deal with so monumental a problem.

In the past, whenever this nation has been faced with a crisis of such grave proportions, citizens looked to the federal and state governments for the leadership to solve such problems. Today, Americans have come to realize that many of the officials currently walking the hallowed halls of our state and federal capitals are the problem. These officeholders are totally out of touch with the general population and as a result, they continue funding programs the American people don’t want.

One of the only solutions to this problem is for people to vote those whom they feel do not represent them out of office. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t believe their vote counts for much these days.



Redondo Beach
