
CYPRESS : Proposed Tree Panel Fails to Take Root

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Despite a recent public furor over plans to remove almost 100 trees, a proposed committee to oversee the city’s thousands of trees has died for lack of interest.

“We didn’t have enough people to commit the time,” said Director of Public Works Robert Beardsley.

Despite an extensive campaign to spur interest, only four residents applied for the positions. At least five members were needed to form a quorum, officials said.


The city staff had proposed the committee to help deal with the hundreds of calls the city gets each year regarding trees.

During the past four months, 55 people complained to the city about property damage caused by parkway trees. Other callers asked about trimming schedules and tree removal, officials said.

A recent decision to remove nearly 100 trees for a redevelopment project caused an outcry in the community. Because of the outcry, the building project was postponed until the tree committee could be formed.


Now, however, the City Council will act as the committee, Beardsley said.

The council will review each project before it goes out to bid, giving residents the chance to state their concerns. During the next few months, major plans for tree removal and sidewalk repair are expected to be completed.
