
Story on Road Bikes Had a Few Bumps

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How refreshing it was to see the article on road bikes (“Cycle Chic,” July 26). America’s infatuation with mountain bikes had left me wondering if Lil’ Abner was going to replace Greg LeMond as our nation’s cycling hero.

However, information in the article suggests that three clarifications are in order:

* In the caption on Page 12 you write, “Tour de France champ Greg LeMond reportedly paid $5,000 for his speedster.” In reality, Greg LeMond has probably not spent a dime of his own money for anything bicycling-related in over a decade. Bike shops do, however, as you stated elsewhere in the article, charge about $5,000 for a bike with his name on it.

* One can spend enormous amounts of money to make a fashion statement while riding. Regardless though, it is the engine and not the chassis that makes the difference. To prove my point, simply watch the parade of cyclists climbing up into Santiago Canyon on any weekend morning and see whether $75 cycling shorts make a difference in the last half-mile.

* Cycles Veloce may be one of the elite cycling teams in Orange County, but it is not the most elite. I know that for a fact, because my team has only one rider, and that is me. Requirements for entry? A good road bike, a desire to ride at 6 a.m. and heavily discounted, out-of-style bike apparel.



Laguna Hills
