
Jail Time Is Deserved

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To the two letter writers bemoaning the jail time given to militant anti-abortion protesters (“Operation Rescue,” July 31), I have this to say:

To Peter Warner, who is upset that there isn’t “a national uproar over the unjust . . . oppression of these conscientious people,” could it be that most people feel that the issue of abortion should be a private matter between the woman and her doctor, not involving a bunch of law-breaking jerks who try to shove women from clinic doors?

And to Danielle Mora, who writes from her jail cell, I would ask her to ponder this: Even though her type believe that a fetus is a separate being and not a part of the woman carrying it, until science can figure out how to take the fetus out and implant it into Mora’s womb so that she can carry it to term, pay for food, doctor bills, day care and properly raise this child for 18 to 20 years, please keep quiet!



