
NATION : Fund for Radiation Victims OKd

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<i> From Times staff and wire service reports</i>

Victims of radiation exposure in the nation’s Western states will be compensated from a $100-million trust fund under legislation approved by the Senate today.

“Those victims, whether a ‘downwinder’ receiving radiation fallout from nuclear devices detonated in Nevada, or miners digging uranium, will now be eligible for compensation,” Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), sponsor of the bill, said today.

In the early morning hours, the Senate approved the bill by voice vote. The measure now goes to the House, where Hatch predicted quick passage.


At a news conference praising passage of the bill, Hatch and Sens. Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.), Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) said the White House has dropped its opposition to the measure.

Simpson, the Republican Whip, said it would be difficult for President Bush to veto this type of legislation. “This is a bill that gallops through the place,” Simpson said.
