
Iraqi Forces Overrun Tiny Kuwait

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Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait should have been no surprise to anyone familiar with Hussein’s bloody background. His military machine finally found a tiny victim it could defeat. One might say that he has “nationalized” his banker.

This horrible event will once again demonstrate the ineptitude of the United Nations, as the members posture and pontificate the issue to death. A strong-willed dictator such as Hussein will always prevail over committees of dithering politicians, as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and others have repeatedly demonstrated.

Those who were surprised at the brutal invasion of Kuwait are the same naive individuals who are clamoring for the massive and immediate cuts in defense spending, as well as the discontinuance of Star Wars research. Yes, the defense establishment should be pared down to a posture commensurate with the new international situation after thoughtful planning and consideration. However, Hussein has again demonstrated the need for America to protect itself from chemical and nuclear blackmail by Third World wackos. The combined U.S./European/Israeli research effort into fielding an effective anti-ballistic missile system must continue.


President Bush’s response to Iraqi aggression by imposing trade restrictions and freezing assets is mainly rhetorical in nature, but was timely and appropriate. We must prepare ourselves for a renewed onslaught of Iraqi-sponsored terrorism. But be aware that taking military action against Iraq will prove far more difficult and costly than it was to slap Libya’s hands.

Now that Iraq has effectively solved all of its debt problems incurred from its attack and war upon Iran, you can also expect the price of oil to take another rise. But every black cloud has a silver lining; The increase in prices will make exploration more profitable for American oil companies, so invest in oil futures.


Garden Grove
