
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Theater Employees Kidnaped, Robbed

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Police are looking for two men who robbed and briefly kidnaped two theater employees who were making a deposit at a local bank Sunday night.

The employees, Raymond Mealey, 30, of San Dimas and Edgar Toh, 18, of Huntington Beach, left the Edwards Cinema at Warner Avenue and Beach Boulevard about 11:30 p.m. to deposit the night’s receipts, Lt. Jeff Cope said.

After stopping at a bank at Golden West Street and Warner Avenue, they were approached by two men dressed in black. One of them carried a 9-millimeter handgun.


The robbers ordered the two back into the car, and the four drove north to the San Diego Freeway. After about 10 minutes, the robbers pulled to the shoulder of the freeway and released the employees.

Cope said police were not sure whether the robbers had followed the men from the theater or were waiting at the bank. The gunmen fled with about $936, the car and personal belongings of the employees.
