
CAMARILLO : Residents, Businesses Cut Water Use 10%

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Residents and businesses in Camarillo and the Santa Rosa Valley have cut back their water consumption by more than 10% since May, city and Camrosa Water District officials say.

The cutbacks came in response to requests for conservation from the city of Camarillo, which serves the city’s west end, and the Camrosa Water District, which serves water users in eastern Camarillo and the unincorporated Santa Rosa Valley northeast of the city.

Because of the continuing statewide drought, both the city and Camrosa were faced with reductions in their water supplies from the Metropolitan Water District in Los Angeles and local water pumped from underground. Both the city and Camrosa enacted ordinances last spring prohibiting water waste.


John Elwell, Camarillo’s director of community services, said officials are encouraged by the reductions since the ordinance was enacted April 25.

“We’re pleased, but it’s important to recognize that we still have to keep our guards up. Three months is a very short period of time to establish a trend.”

Camrosa Water District General Manager Gina Manchester said people and businesses had been wonderful since the district requested the cutbacks and passed its ordinance May 11.


“They have been very responsive to conservation programs,” she said.

Both ordinances forbid residents to allow water to run to waste and forbid lawn watering during daytime hours when water easily evaporates.

Camarillo water department inspectors have warned 251 water users they were violating the ordinance and fined five violators. Fines average about $17.50.

Camrosa has warned about 300 people and fined about 20, Manchester said. Fines average about $10, but may increase, Manchester said.


“We are not getting some people’s attention,” she said.
