
Story Ballets Get High-Profile Spots

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When it comes to booking ballet companies, the question arises: When do you present the story ballets and when do you schedule mixed-repertory programs?

For the Australian Ballet’s engagement this week at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, the company’s story ballets are being given the high-profile position of weekend performances, while the story ballets, which usually are more popular, are running midweek.

“The audience potential and box office potential is stronger for a story ballet than for mixed repertory,” Center president Thomas R. Kendrick said Tuesday. “Usually, the front part of the week is when, if you can have that option, you go with the story ballet.


“For the program of mixed repertory on the weekend, hopefully you have time to build the audience. And the weekend audience is generally stronger.”

Repertory in general, Kendrick said, is decided in consultation with the company artistic director: “We ask the company artistic director to tell us what they feel best represents their company’s work. Where possible, we try to do mixed repertory and a story ballet.

“But we try to present different companies and styles,” he said, “so that our audience gets the chance to see a variety.”
