
Prices Cut on Notebook PC, Other Laptops by Toshiba

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Responding to growing competition in the laptop personal computer field, Toshiba America Information Systems Inc. said Wednesday that it is cutting the price of one of its so-called notebook PCs by $800 and reducing prices on laptops.

Toshiba’s 8-pound notebook PC is part of a new generation of lighter laptop computers that has given a boost to computer industry sales. The Toshiba model was introduced in February.

The company said it will reduce by $800 the price of its T1200XE notebook PC from $3,999 to $3,199, effective immediately.


Toshiba produces about a dozen models for the competitive laptop industry.

Bill Johnson, vice president and general manager, said the price cuts are in response to “recent competitive price reductions and new entries into the market.”

The T1200XE is based on Intel Corp.’s 80286 microprocessor and comes with a 20-megabyte hard-disk drive and a high-resolution display. It competes with a similar model produced by Compaq Computer Corp.

The company said it also cut prices between $300 and $700 on several other laptops.
