
Revival of Citizen Panel on Redevelopment Sought

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A small group of Hollywood property owners, claiming to have evidence damaging to the Community Redevelopment Agency, has gone to court to reinstate the Project Area Committee, the one-time official citizens advisory panel on Hollywood redevelopment.

Hollywood Endangered Property Owners, an informal coalition of several dozen landowners, filed a motion Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court seeking a new trial in a 15-month-old dispute over the status of the committee.

The committee had become the primary mouthpiece for critics of the 1,100-acre renewal effort when the Los Angeles City Council voted last year to disband it. A Superior Court judge upheld the council’s action, but many committee members have continued to meet. Members of the property owners group said they have documents showing that the drafters of the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan intended for the committee to remain in existence for the life of the 30-year project. A hearing is set for Aug. 31.
