
Fans More Like Barr Than They Are Kroc

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How dare Dave Distel vilify Roseanne Barr (July 28) by comparing her to Joan Kroc. First of all, I admire Joan--but she was a cocktail lounge pianist in her younger days and is a real person, not a society dilettante.

Roseanne sang the best she could, and if you held a mike to the fans as they were singing the song, I’m sure many would sound much worse.

As far a grabbing herself and spitting, she was merely imitating the players admired by all you macho men. The blame for the fiasco lies squarely on Tom Werner, but to equate the incident with flag-burning is absurd.


Also, most of the baseball fans at the stadium resemble Roseanne in social class and behavior, not Mrs. Kroc.


San Diego
