
Ekern Eulogized by Friends, Former Teammates in Anaheim

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Linebacker Carl Ekern, who died Aug. 1 in an automobile accident, was remembered by about 300 friends and family members Tuesday during a memorial service at Rams Park in Anaheim.

Among those eulogizing Ekern were Coach John Robinson, quarterback Jim Everett, defensive coordinator Fritz Shurmur, snapper Mike McDonald, strength coach Garrett Giemont and former teammates Nolan Cromwell and Larry Brooks. Kicker Mike Lansford, one of Ekern’s closest friends, did not attend but sent along a statement, which was read by Giemont.

Ekern, 36, played 13 seasons for the Rams before retiring after the 1988 season. Other former teammates in attendance included quarterbacks Vince Ferragamo and Pat Haden, defensive linemen Mike Fanning, Reggie Doss and Jack Youngblood and guard Dennis Harrah. Holdouts Jackie Slater, Kevin Greene and Doug Reed also attended.


Shurmur, who said he thought of Ekern as a son, remembered him as an unselfish man who thought only of the team. Shurmur considered Ekern the smartest player he ever coached. “He wrote down everything that was ever said in every meeting,” Shurmur said. “He filled spiral notebooks.”

The Rams also announced that they were establishing a “Carl Ekern Spirit of the Game Award” for the player who “best exemplifies the sportsmanship, ethic and commitment to his teammates.”
