
The Critics of American Culture

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It is understandable that Pat Buchanan didn’t like Roseanne Barr’s rendition of the national anthem. Neither did I. Neither did anyone else, including Barr, apparently.

Where does Buchanan get off asserting the crowd “spoke . . . for the President” in their response? How does he decide that the American public is so stupid as to “swallow poisons that can kill it?” Laughable is his assertion that since “conservatives have won five of the last six national elections, they presumably had a voice . . . “ etc. As I recall, “conservatives” have lost congressional elections for virtually all of my lifetime; in any case, they were given no rights to decide what our culture is: they are better at S&L; scams, “enemies lists” and “dirty campaigns” than culture.

Speaking of conservatives, he says, “They made little connection between the decline of education . . . “ etc. This is certainly a poignant remark in light of our governor’s recent veto of the best of California’s education programs: but then, George is a good conservative, so he must be right.


The American people have indeed had enough--of self-appointed moralists.


Manhattan Beach
