
Council OKs Screen on Adult Magazines

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Merchants who sell adult magazines will be required to use “blinder racks” to cover sexually explicit reading material, according to a new ordinance that received preliminary approval from the City Council this week.

Council members voted unanimously to require retail outlets such as convenience and grocery stores to invest in “blinders” that will cover the lower two-thirds of magazine covers considered “harmful to minors.”

The ordinance is the result of a one-woman campaign launched by Carolyn Cavecche of Old Towne.


Cavecche’s crusade began when she stopped into her neighborhood corner store this spring with her young daughter in tow. A rack of adult magazines located near the door caught her daughter’s attention.

“When my little 3-year-old asks, ‘Mommy, why does that lady not have clothes on?’ it bothers me,” said Cavecche, who also has a 6-month-old son.

When she discovered there was no city ordinance restricting display of adult magazines, Cavecche surveyed local stores to see how the items were exhibited. She spent two days touring shops along Tustin and Chapman avenues and visited 21 mini-markets and liquor stores. Twenty stores carried adult magazines; only a handful used blinder racks.


Cavecche, a former biochemist, said the magazines often are displayed near video games, candy racks and other spots in plain view of children.

“These kids come home from school and they go in to play the video games and they see these magazines,” Cavecche said. “I am not going to stomp an anyone’s First Amendment rights, but they shouldn’t be right at eye level for these kids.”

Asst. City Attorney Luis Rodriquez said the ordinance may receive final approval at the Aug. 21 council meeting, and stores would have 30 days to comply.


The cities of Tustin and Santa Ana recently passed similar ordinances requiring blinder racks.
