
NEA, Lack of Money Cannot Inhibit Artistic Expression

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The art community’s furor over the National Endowment for the Arts blasphemy clause and now the symbolic stripping away of Costa Mesa’s designation as City of the Arts by protesting artists in the community is sheer insolence on their part. (“Costa Mesa is No ‘City of the Arts, Protesters Claim,” Aug. 7).

Who are they to say my artistic ability is restricted because of what some ruling body has declared?

Who are they to say that due to money cutoff my artistic liberty is threatened?

The well-meaning artists in this debacle dare to proclaim that artists everywhere are now deprived and restricted and their liberty and creativity blunted because of money. What foolishness! Was Christianity eradicated and bound with its prisoners in the stocks? No, it lived on in the hearts of the faithful. Is the art community so dependent upon the grants of money (that creativity-leaching alliance again) that they believe their very existence is at stake?


Wake up artists! Stop this drivel! Freedom of expression is not compromised! As for those who cannot have their work shown for whatever reason cited by a committee, too bad. Millions of artists never have their work displayed and it does not limit their pride and joy in the slightest. It doesn’t limit mine, for my art is not dependent upon another man’s opinion. I and others like myself are ashamed of the artistic community and their demeaning acts.


Fountain Valley
