
United States Involvement in Mideast

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Saddam Hussein of Iraq has not written a “Mein Kampf” as far as we know. But for those of us who still think the United States should not get involved, how about this scenario by Hussein:

We pick up Kuwait first; then we drop down and liberate Qatar and United Arab Emirates. Oman and Yemen should not be too hard, and then, the big one--Saudi Arabia. By the time we pick off Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, even Iran should be anxious to join in absorbing Israel. (All of our “allies” should be glad to take care of the Israelites, if you know what I mean!) In the meantime, we should have completed the bomb that Israel delayed, and Turkey should then be easy.

The small map (Aug. 9) shows Baghdad as a very logical capital of such an undertaking. I hope this isn’t lost on the “friends” of the United States around the world. Sure, this should be a United Nations operation, but that is still wishful thinking. The United States is at this time the only nation that can hopefully put the brakes on our Arab Hitler.



