
Countywide : AIDS Funding Sources and Expenditures

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Researched by JANICE L. JONES / Los Angeles Times

According to the Orange County Health Care Agency, $7,404, 404 was spent by local public and private agencies to combat AIDS during the fiscal year ending June 30. Patient care consumed the largest share of expenditures, 57% (or $4.25 million). Education to prevent AIDS, the next largest category, received less than half as much.

A majority of the funding came from the state, which provided 63%. The county contributed 15% and the federal government 13% while nonprofit organizations such as the American Red Cross and AIDS Walk Orange County contributed the remaining 9%.

County Health Care Agency administrators predict that the amount spent to combat AIDS here during the current fiscal year will remain at about the same level. AIDS Program Expenditures Patient Care: 57% Prevention & Epidemiology: 2% Administration: 10% Education: 21% Testing: 10% Funding Sources County: 15% Local nonprofit organizations: 9% Federal: 13% State: 63% Source: Orange County Health Care Agency
