
LOCAL : Timothy Leary Daughter Hangs Self in Cell, Dies in Hospital

From Times Wire Services

The daughter of LSD guru Timothy Leary, sentenced to a mental hospital for the criminally insane for trying to kill her boyfriend, has died after hanging herself with a shoelace in a county jail cell, authorities said today.

Susan Martino, 42, also known as Susan Leary, was found Monday morning hanging by the shoelace, tied to her cell bars at Sybil Brand Institute for Women in East Los Angeles, Sheriff’s Deputy Mary Landreth said.

She died at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Santa Marta Hospital, Landreth said.

It was not immediately known how long Martino had been hanging in her single cell, but Landreth said she was in a special block where deputies check the welfare of each inmate every 20 minutes.


Martino was arrested by Glendale police on Jan. 5, 1989, for the attempted murder of her live-in boyfriend. During a hearing last month, a judge once again found her mentally incompetent and sentenced her to Patton State Hospital in San Bernardino County.
