
Sheltering the Homeless Merits Tax Increase

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Taxophobia--a disease that has swept the country--is creating mounting problems. This fear of taxation, while well-intentioned, has been taken to the extreme, with the result that problems that need addressing are going begging or receiving only Band-Aid attention.

Case in point: Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters’ efforts to maintain law and order in the city by removing the homeless from the Civic Center.

While I agree with his efforts to rid the Civic Center of disorderly behavior, disorderly behavior is not the problem. It is the symptom; homelessness and a society morally bankrupt is the problem.


We must demand that solutions be found to the problem of homelessness. We must demand that all of our elected representatives work together to find these solutions. And if it takes additional funding, we must have enough pride and sense of caring for humanity to find the money necessary to fund the solutions even if it means increased taxes!

Taxophobia is a disease that is eating away at the very fabric of our society. All the chief’s horses and all the chief’s men/women cannot put the city back together again. Not without help.


