
TUSTIN : School Board OKs Personnel Changes

Changing priorities and shifting enrollment in the Tustin Unified School District have resulted in some personnel changes.

“I felt when I came into the district that we needed to reorganize so we would have more of an emphasis on curriculum and instruction,” said Supt. David Andrews, who took over when Maury Ross left at the end of the last school year.

Julie Hume, former principal of Hewes Middle School, became curriculum planning administrator. The position was created from a vacant position for administrator of elementary education. This change and others were effective Aug. 28 but were not approved by the school board until last Thursday.


Taking the reins at Hewes Middle School was Regina Cain, former principal of Columbus Tustin Middle School. Tustin High School’s Assistant Principal Bob Boies became temporary principal at Columbus Tustin.

And because changing enrollments had resulted in much lower counselor-to-student and administrator-to-student ratios at Foothill High School than at Tustin High School, some other changes were made, Andrews said.

Albert Marzilli, an assistant principal at Foothill, replaced Boies as assistant principal at Tustin. Foothill High counselor Anna Katsuki went to Currie Middle School, and counselor Barbara Rose went from Foothill to Tustin.


“We were able to do it all internally and better equalize the administrator-to-pupil and counselor-to-pupil ratio at the high schools,” Andrews said.
