
Penthouse Perestroika: Penthouse magazine will be on...

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Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Penthouse Perestroika: Penthouse magazine will be on the stands in the Soviet Union in two months, publisher Bob Guccione said Tuesday in Sydney, Australia. He said some high-ranking Soviet officials already have private subscriptions to the monthly with a circulation of 4 million. “Five of the 17 bureaucrats I spoke to . . . told me that they get it every month,” said Guccione.

Bad Dreams: Singer Whitney Houston, 25, says she has recurring dreams about ugly giants and unsteady bridges. In one, a statue turns into a giant “8 or 9 feet tall, kind of discolored,” she said in the October Life magazine. Another dream has her crossing a bridge which “starts swinging, but I’m making it; I’m making it across.”

Peaceful Visit: The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader, will visit Ohio on the first stop of his spring U.S. tour. The Dalai Lama fled Tibet in the 1950s when it was occupied by China and has lived in exile in India. He won the 1989 Nobel Prize for peace for his nonviolent tactics for Tibetan independence.


To TV: The possibility that he might be poorly portrayed in a made-for-TV movie is “scary” to Fred Ford. The film centers on the explosion that killed 259 Pan Am passengers and crew and 11 residents of Lockerbie, Scotland, in December 1988. Ford, the film’s central character, said he was sacked by Pan Am in 1986 in part because he raised a red flag over flaws in airline security systems. The company denies his version of the firing. Home Box Office will air the film in December.
