
‘World Woes’ Comment Stirs Emotions

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Just what does Joseph N. Bell think the connection is between the “other problems we deal with today--the world being taken over by homosexuals and dirty pictures and flag burners” and professional athletes receiving compensation for their autographs (View, Aug. 10)? Maybe a desperate amateur writer trying to fill space can see the connection; I cannot! Condoning irresponsible journalism just promotes negative attitude.

The fact that professional athletes attend these baseball card shows and are paid for their appearances does not rank as a major world problem, and neither does sexual preference. Not being an expert, I’ll have to leave dirty pictures and flag burning up to his next well-thought-out article. The Iraq invasion of Kuwait, like the Nazi invasion of Poland, sounds more like a world problem.

I suggest Mr. Bell get some experience in the real world before he attempts another bit of journalistic satire.



Mission Viejo
