
‘Regressive Politics in a Progressive City’--Irvine’s Just Responding to Its Citizens

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I believe that all sides have a right to be heard. The Times (editorial, “Regressive Politics in a Progressive City,” Sept. 16) apparently believes only certain sides have those rights.

You say our City Council wasted four hours debating Christmas tress and a proposal for an invocation. You ask, “When does the healing begin?” Do you mean to ask, “When will we silence those who hold opinions different from yours?”

No member of the current council placed those items on the agenda. This council simply responded to Irvine residents requesting their legal opportunity to propose something to their City Council. In the past, residents of Irvine wanted to discuss the issues of a Christmas tree and an invocation, but were silenced by Mayor Larry Agran. We listened to four hours of testimony from both sides, including confronting, angry and insulting tirades from those claiming to be “sensitive.”


How should our council act in order to comply with the ideals The Times might find acceptable? Should we listen only to one side of an issue? Should we refuse to place certain items on our agenda? How should we select those sides and items? Should we form an Issues Selection Committee of those “extra-sensitive people” who speak only in the most melodramatic, excessive and hostile expletives? Would that begin the healing?

The Times deplores the fact that Mary Ann Gaido is not seated, in spite of petitions to hold an election. The Times laments that we appealed Judge Eileen Moore’s decision. Does The Times prefer to ignore more than 4,000 people who signed a petition asking for an election. Do you prefer appointed, instead of elected, officials?

As you know, I had no objection to seating Ms. Gaido. I also have no objection to completing the process of making certain that if the people prefer to elect, that they may have an election.


When I talk about healing, I mean that every point of view in this community will have access to local government. I mean that every opinion will have an equal opportunity to be heard. The limitation on time for speakers is not intended to limit speech. It is intended to provide an equal opportunity for everyone to speak.

In this country, opinions do not become unacceptable because a few people decide they are unacceptable. Someone who simply claims to be more sensitive is not given special rights or opportunities. The intolerance of the self-proclaimed, progressive elite is alarming. Fascism is always frightening.

Please don’t overestimate the motives of those who screech loudest about freedom of speech and religion in Irvine. When we think about healing, we should also consider that there are those who will refuse the healing process because they have their own political ambitions.


I hope you will consider that those who spoke most passionately against the Christmas tree were also the leadership core of Larry Agran’s political campaign. They just lost a close election and want to set the stage to win the next. They have a politically motivated agenda, and they have a right to it. They do not have the right to possess the only legitimate opinions in our community.


Mayor of Irvine
