
Supervisors, Airport Officials Buffeted by Traveler Turbulence

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Re expansion of the Orange County Airport: Well, folks, did you ever think you would long for the “good old days” of 55 noisy flights a day? Stand by! The new, improved, expanded Orange County Airport is going to double, and in some cases may even triple, the number of daily flights that will roar out of that airport. I use the term roar in its most onomatopoeic sense. The noise will be deafening.

You may have noticed the disdain with which the governmental powers (whoever they may be) and the airlines have treated the complaints of the citizens affected by the noisy airport takeoffs. The takeoff pattern is ignored in the interest of “flight dispersal.” The sound reduction is also ignored “in the interest of flight safety.”

From the beginning, the financial interests have dictated the ultimate outcome. The ultimate outcome has been to ignore the complaints of the affected citizens and to allow the unfettered development of this airport. It is not going to get better; it is only going to get worse.

What are we individuals doing about it? Very little, I am sorry to say. Because we have lacked a sense of community, we are going to pay the price of deterioration of a valuable asset, i.e., our homes.



Santa Ana
