
Deplorable Conditions at Los Angeles Zoo

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It seems to me that the arrogant Thomas needs to learn some hard lessons in zoo management.

The repeated and ignored violations addressed to him by the USDA and also the Humane Society, plus his nasty reply to the latter organization, point up some very serious deficiencies in the man for this job.

This past August my husband and I took our grandchildren to the zoo and noted, as shown in the photo, only a small trickle of water in the elephant’s water area. The day was very hot and I would have expected that if filled, the animals would have had something to do besides stand and rock in their bare enclosure.


The chimpanzees also had little in their area to increase their activity or to provide interest.

I hope that the city will pursue a thorough investigation into the deteriorating conditions ignored by Thomas. Perhaps a new director is needed to clean up this mess.


Long Beach
