
$5-Million Bail for Keating

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It was great seeing Keating being led off to jail to stand trail for stealing money from his Lincoln Savings investors and us taxpayers. Justice, hopefully, may eventually prevail in this one instance.

However, we should recognize that people like Keating have only a temporary effect and usually pass from the scene with little impact.

We citizens should be more concerned with a bunch of Keatings who we are stuck with that call themselves the Congress. Compared to Keating, these congressional Keatings are stealing us blind on a daily basis, have demonstrated absolute incompetence in representing our interests and in managing the government for us, have spent this country to the brink of oblivion, are with us almost permanently and, unlike Keating, are going unpunished.


I think it is time that we voters do something dramatic to correct this situation. One possibility is to start a national grass-roots movement to oust every elected representative in Congress, a clean sweep, because we can hardly do worse that the bunch we have now.


