
Fund-Raiser North Assails Politicians

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During a fervent speech to raise money for a Thousand Oaks Republican, Oliver L. North blasted entrenched politicians, special-interest groups, liberal legislators and “government of the politicians, for the politicians and by the politicians.”

“We don’t need more government at every level,” North told about 300 cheering GOP stalwarts Saturday at the Doubletree Inn in Ventura. “We need better government at each level.”

North, who gained national attention for his role in the Iran-Contra affair, was the guest speaker at a $125-a-plate fund-raising luncheon for Assemblyman Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks).


The event also attracted about two dozen protesters.

The former White House aide was fired in 1986 for his role in diverting Iran arms-sale profits to Nicaragua’s Contra rebels. In July, a federal appeals court overturned one of North’s felony convictions and returned two others to a lower court.

McClintock, who described his Ventura County district as the “heart of Reagan country,” called North a hero who predicted the downfall of the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

North, who wore a dark suit and a red tie with blue stripes, made his speech standing before a huge American flag in a room decorated with red, white and blue balloons.


Supporters, who greeted him with two standing ovations, stood in line after the 25-minute speech to have their photograph taken beside the former Marine lieutenant colonel.

North’s last appearance for McClintock in 1988--a year after the Iran-Contra hearings--sold out two weeks in advance. During that fund-raiser, North attracted about 500 people to the Hyatt Westlake Plaza in Westlake Village and raised about $50,000 for McClintock. He charged $10,000 for that speaking engagement.

No estimate was available of how much was raised Saturday. McClintock and four other California Republican legislators agreed to split North’s $25,000 speaking fee, said Greg Maw, McClintock’s campaign manager.


Not everyone who turned out was supportive.

About 25 protesters, some carrying signs, picketed the event in front of the hotel.

“North Proves Crime Pays,” one placard said. “Ollie is a crook,” said another. A third charged: “Ollie North, you can’t hide: We charge you with genocide.”

One protester wore a skull mask and carried a cross made out of two fake wooden machine guns.

Among the protesters were representatives of Action Central America, a Ventura County human rights organization, the National Organization for Women and the Green Party.

“Ollie North raped the Constitution,” Gabriel Cerrano, a member of Action Central America, shouted to passing cars.

Mindy Lorenz, a Green Party write-in candidate for the 19th Congressional District, blasted McClintock for seeking North’s support. “It’s questionable why someone would want to use a convicted criminal to support him,” she said.

However, inside the hotel McClintock told the group that he surveyed residents of the 36th Assembly District and found that North had the support of 75% of the residents.


“That’s a higher approval rating than Ronald Reagan had,” he said.

In an earlier interview, McClintock’s Democratic challenger Ginny Connell said: “Ollie North doesn’t have anything to say about the needs of this Assembly district or of Ventura County.”

During his speech, North asked those assembled to help oust “career party hacks” controlled by special-interest groups. He talked about the vision of this country’s founding fathers and said he wept when the Berlin Wall came down.

The speech was interrupted by a power failure that left the room in darkness for a few seconds. When the lights came back on, North went on to praise McClintock, saying “We need dozens of Tom McClintocks.”
