
Philippine Planes Reported Bombing Mindanao Rebels : Insurrection: Battalion post is called the target. The insurgents’ leader offers to negotiate.

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From Associated Press

Government planes today reportedly bombed rebels who seized military garrisons in two cities and declared independence for Mindanao, the country’s second-largest island.

Manila radio station DZXL said two T-28 planes raided a battalion headquarters in Butuan, one of two seized Thursday by the rebels.

The station said several buildings were set afire. The report could not be immediately confirmed.


The rebel leader said today that he is willing to negotiate with the government, but he did not say what he sought. The government did not respond to the offer by Col. Alexander Noble, who had seized garrisons in Butuan and Cagayan de Oro without firing a shot.

Noble appeared today to be in complete control of the military garrison in Cagayan de Oro, a port city 500 miles south of Manila. He said his followers want to form a civilian-military junta to govern Mindanao.

In a radio address, President Corazon Aquino urged troops to wipe out the rebels.

“I am calling once again on the people to rally against these troublemakers,” said Aquino, who has survived six coup attempts during her four years in office.

The military said it will not permit the country to be “dismembered,” and the nation’s leading Roman Catholic bishop called on Filipinos “to close ranks once again” to defend the government.

The armed forces had warned for months that the next coup attempt would be preceded by an uprising in Mindanao.

In Cagayan de Oro, thousands of people turned out to catch a glimpse of the mutineers, who marched in a festive “victory parade” through the city streets.


U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Platt said Washington “strongly condemns any effort to destabilize the elected Philippine government.”

Noble was formerly chief of staff of Aquino’s guard force, but he turned against her and joined a coup attempt last December. He fled to the jungles of Mindanao, where he organized a private army of Higoanon tribesmen renowned as ferocious fighters.

The revolt erupted early Thursday when Noble’s supporters in the 4th Infantry Division seized military and police garrisons in the city of Butuan, 500 miles south of Manila. An estimated 300 to 600 rebels then traveled to Cagayan de Oro, 70 miles to the east.

Noble’s forces entered the 4th Division’s headquarters at the city’s Camp Evangelista, where they holed up Thursday night. Witnesses said Noble’s troops shook hands with government soldiers as they entered the camp.

On the way to the garrison, many townspeople cheered and waived at Noble. Several women rushed forward to kiss him.

Rebels claimed support from troops elsewhere in Mindanao, but the claims could not be verified.
