
ANAHEIM : 2 of 7 Candidates File Spanish Texts

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In a city where 1989 estimates put the Latino population at 44%--just under half the residents of Anaheim--only two of the seven City Council candidates included Spanish versions of their campaign statements filed with the registrar of voters.

Candidates in any county election can have their statements printed in both English and Spanish if they pay double the registration fee, or $600. But according to the registrar, the Spanish-language version is not required by law.

In sample ballots flooding the homes of registered voters in Anaheim this week, Mayor Fred Hunter, who is seeking reelection, and one of his rivals, Councilman Irv Pickler, address their Spanish-speaking constituents.


In English as well as in Spanish, Hunter states: “As mayor for the past two years, I have focused on quality-of-life issues. Many goals have been accomplished because we’ve worked together.”

Just next to that appears Pickler’s statement, also in both languages: “Anaheim citizens deserve effective leadership which solves problems and works to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods.”

Other candidates said the higher fee was the reason they did not file their statements in both languages.


“I intended to run a close, grass-roots campaign, saving every dollar I could,” said Frank Feldhaus, a planning commissioner who is running for council.

Feldhaus, who speaks fluent Spanish, said he would rather spend the time walking door-to-door meeting potential supporters personally, and talking to them directly in Spanish.

“I ran across one (Spanish-speaking) household the other day. . . . I must have spent 20 minutes there,” said Feldhaus, adding that taking the time to talk with the family was worthwhile. “I got five of ‘em.”


Others cited the general expense of running a campaign and the need to cut corners whenever possible. One candidate, political maverick John Schaffer, is not raising campaign funds, he said, so did not pay the extra $300.
