
Jury Verdicts in Cincinnati, Ft. Lauderdale

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As an art collector, I disagree with the court’s ruling that Mapplethorpe’s pornographic photos are entitled to freedom-of-expression rights. To destroy the moral fiber of this nation for the sake of explicit smut is no more art than yelling “fire” in a crowded theater is oratory.

On the other side, I find it offensive when the Laguna Art Museum (Calendar, Oct. 6) leaves out one of 21 flags on exhibit and the director tries to give us the deceptive statement he was not censoring the display, just being “selective.” The flag was entitled “Freedom of the Press” and was a Stars and Stripes replica constructed of photos from pornographic magazines. This is Expressionism, maybe even satirical, in its pure form and would not be looked at for the prurient content so much as the statement concerning the moral decline of the country under the protective covenant of the judicial system.


Los Angeles
